What is your name and location?
Onika Osunlewa Long of The Merkaba House Crystals, Herbs, & Books, LLC located in
Duluth, GA.
How do you heal people?
I am the spark that invokes your healing, I empower YOU to heal Yourself, all while holding sacred space, & assisting you through the process.
What type of benefits does your method of healing provide?
Through total transformation, I The Crystal Empress Oshun Priestess, am here as your sister’s keeper. I help you move these mountains, but I can not move them for you. Clients are empowered to unlocking their own healing, and getting to the root of the problem. They will see their quality of life improve drastically, as well, soulwork must be maintained to keep the body in balance, so once they leave me, they have ongoing soulwork that they have to do to keep their peace.
When did you realize that you wanted to heal people/why did you start?
I have been a licensed Massage therapist since I was 20, but I was led to healing with crystals when a close friend of mine who suffered from fibroids had decided to get a hysterectomy at the young age of 30, with no prior children. This decision devastated me as I knew there were vast alternative healing methods out there and I felt if I went down the path to study these alternative forms of healing, that I could help assist women with possible alternatives first, rather than going straight to surgery.
Why is what you do so important?
Because we as women hold everything in our wombs, and we often have blocked chakras and not even know it, so my work is important because it assists in bring the bodies back into harmony and balance. So they can vibrate on higher levels, and have a better quality of life.
What is your inspiration to continue doing what you are doing? What is the fuel that keeps you going?
My overwhelming love for people and my passion to help others when in need.
How does it make you feel when you are healing people?
I feel like an Open channel & divine vessel being used by our ancestors, & The Creator/Creatrix.
What are your visions &/or goals?
For The Merkaba House to be Global, healing women & men around the world.
Tell us a fun fact about what it is that you do, or something people may not know.
I like to write poetry when inspired.
In one sentence, what is your message to the world?
Pay It Forward, and always stay in gratitude.
Is there anything else that you would like to share about yourself or what it is that you do?
I am a mother to 4 beautiful children.
Onika can be reached at:
Instagram: @themerkabahouse
Facebook: @Themerkabahouse
Email: themerkabahouse@gmail.com