If you are interested in acupuncture treatment but can't afford the cost of a 1:1 session, I highly recommend community acupuncture. So what's the difference? Instead of being alone in a room with an acupuncturist, you are in a room, fully clothed with others relaxing in recliners receiving treatment all at the same time. The pay is usually a flat low fee, or a sliding scale. The place I've been to has a sliding scale of $15-40 and you pay what you can. Others I've seen have a flat fee of $20 or $25. That said, this type of clinic may be hard to find depending on where you live. Luckily I live near 2 or 3 clinics in the DC/MD/VA area.
I sought treatment for acid reflux, wrist tendonitis and PTSD. My acid reflux is healing (not just from acupuncture), as is my wrist. The PTSD takes a little longer, but I am feeling a little better (not just the acupuncture).
I recommend community acupuncture if you are interested in it, and can't afford 1:1 sessions.
This sounds AMAZING! I am in the DMV area and I will definitely look into this. Thank you for sharing!