We Welcome Contributors!
If you are passionate, and dedicated to help heal the world, We Heal Too would love to invite you to be a part of our community. Writing for us you have the opportunity to reach a diverse audience, change lives, expand your portfolio, and join a network of healers.
Some Topics
Sound Healing
Art Therapy
Healthy Eating
Crystal Therapy
Aroma Therapy
Trauma Healing
Ancestral/Generational Healing
Feminine Health
Masculine Health
Mental Health
Some Do's & Don'ts
Have original content. Write specifically for We Heal Too, content shouldn't be taken from another source or published anywhere else online (including personal blog/website).
Write from a "human-voiced" tone. Meaning write as if you are explaining to a friend. PLEASE do not "preach" or try to convince the audience to follow/believe what you write. You are writing to share knowledge and inform the masses. They will receive it how they choose.
Source all health claims. If you mention statistics or a study, provide a link to that source. We prefer links from academic journals, and credible news sources.
Expand the conversation, yet stay relevant to healing and promoting self-growth, knowledge, and awareness.
If providing tips and tricks... K.I.S.S. (Keep It Short and Simple). Your tips should be easy to understand, absorb, & and execute.
Have a captivating title to draw people in.
Submit an original photo as the cover for your article.
Some Fine Print
This is not a paid opportunity (we are working on that) and that this is a donation/community outreach based contribution for the betterment of my people and for a purpose bigger than myself.
Contributed content is original and accurate/factual/researched. If I have referenced something, I have properly cited & credited the source.
Contributed content to We Heal Too shall be solely for We Heal Too and shall not be shared with any other entity (including personal websites or blogs). Once work is submitted, I acknowledge and respect that the content belongs to We Heal Too.
Content will be submitted via email, and J. Chavae & Channing will review the material before posting it. The contribution may not always be used or may be saved for a later date.
The content I submit will not be altered or edited without my knowledge (except for minor grammatical errors).
Photo Guidelines
If a submitted photo belongs to you, you will be properly credited for the picture. If you have submitted/attached a photo that doesn't belong to you, you will properly credit/source the photographer (& preferably received permission for use).
All photos should be clean and uncluttered. No busy backgrounds (unless relevant to the topic) Always think less is more.
All pictures must be in JPEG format
Pixel dimensions should be at least 640 x 480, max 1600x1200.
You may be asked to provide new photos if the submitted photos are deemed unsuitable.
How To Submit
If interested in becoming a contributor, please email hello@wehealtoo.org. Include:
Full name
A writing sample or a piece you've already written specifically for We Heal Too (title and relevant pictures included)
A brief bio
A headshot of you